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21 February 2024

Unknown Man Assaults Transgender Woman -- Let's Find Out Who He Is


I received this message last night:

"A friend of mine was assaulted at work by a customer for being transgender. The police don’t care it seems. He threatened her. Told her he would kill her. Groped her. Called her horrible names."

To protect the victim from further repercussions or other possible incidents, I'm releasing what information I can.

The victim works at a store here in Medford and she's very upset. The incident happened on Feb. 17.

Medford PD was contacted and an officer took information -- but that's it.

She made contact with another cop a few days ago and they advised her to keep in contact with the primary officer.

That officer will not be back on duty until this Friday.

This is the alleged assailant's picture. Please share it. Let's find this guy and see that he's held accountable for his actions.

Unknown Man Assaults Transgender Woman -- Let's Find Out Who He Is

  I received this message last night: "A friend of mine was assaulted at work by a customer for being transgender. The police don’t car...